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Houston Internet Marketing Consultant | SEO CEO Writings

My first blog was going to include video but I don’t know how to post a video to my blog yet. I will learn soon as you will see if you keep up with this blog. Today I am learning the importance of training. We must train our website writers well if we expect great documents. I am learning that I am in the document creation and link building business. We manage PPC advertising, design and host websites, manage commercial email hosting, and we sell domain names, but our big business is document creation and link building.  Most business’s need these services today in the world we live in. The web is the best and most effective communication tool for most small business’s too.

I would recommend that all small business people should hire a marketing company like Directory One, Inc. before jumping into hiring a employee to do marketing. If you need lead generation and you are in the Houston, Texas are we should talk. 713-269-3094. Philip O’Hara is my name and blogging is my game.

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